Portable Equipment Registration

Owners and operators of portable engines (>50HP) and portable equipment can register their units under the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Statewide Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP) in order to legally operate their equipment throughout California without having to obtain individual permits from local air districts.  As an alternative to the State PERP program, the District offers a local registration program for portable engines and portable equipment operated solely in Butte County.

Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM)– for Diesel Particulate Matter from Portable Engines Rated at 50 Horsepower and Greater  (amended 11/30/18).  This regulation is applicable to both State and local registration programs.

District Fact Sheet for Portable Equipment (December 2022)

Emission Standards Tier 1-4 Tables

Statewide Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP):

State Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP)

2018 Regulatory and Program Changes Booklet

State PERP – Frequently Asked Questions

District Policy for Approved Uses of PERP (December 2012)

Application Forms for State PERP

District (local) Portable Equipment Registration Program:

District Rule 440 – Portable Equipment Registration

District Rule 512 – Portable Equipment Registration Fees

Application Forms for District Registration

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