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Public Information

Disclosure Policy

The BCAQMD maintains information on stationary sources, polluting activities, and special pollution programs.  Except for portions of these records that are confidential and exempt from disclosure, District records are open to the public.  It is the policy of the District that all District public record information shall be open to the public for inspection with the least possible delay and expense to the requesting party.  Due to limited District resources, however, there are occasions or information requested which is not readily available.  The District may then require up to ten (10) days to respond to requested public records information.

Public Records Information

Public record information is available for disclosure upon request.  This may include but is not limited to: all written or other information, analysis, plans or specifications that disclose the nature, extent, quantity or degree of air contaminants or other pollution from any article, equipment, machinery, contrivance or activity that the District requires any applicant to provide before they build, erect, alter, replace, operate, sell, rent, use or perform a polluting activity.

Information not Disclosed

Some specific information cannot be disclosed to the general public.  Confidential information that cannot be disclosed, is generally defined as trade secrets including, but not limited to: any formula, plan, pattern, process, tool, mechanism, compound, procedure, production data or compilation of information that is not patented and is known to certain individuals within a connected concern who could use it to fabricate or produce any compound, product, article, or service having commercial value and which gives to its user an opportunity to obtain a business advantage over competitors who do not know or use it.

Information Services and Fees

While the District’s public record information is available to review without charge, fees for some information or services may be charged by the District. Fees may be charged for specific information services including: technical research, technical consulting,  copying mailing lists, outdated and archived information, and permits and other information the District has either not compiled or distributed all previous copies.  In addition, fees may be required for specified reproduction formats (tapes, disks, and certified copies).  Fees may be required in advance for the District to copy the requested information or documents.

Catalog of Information Systems Covered by SB272

How to Request Information

Persons interested in reviewing selected public records information are to submit a completed “Public Records Request” form specifying the information desired for review, when review of the information is desired, and what records are requested to be copied.  The District will respond in writing to each request indicating when the records are available for review and what, if any, fee will be required.  Questions concerning requests for public records information disclosure may be directed to the office of the District at the address and telephone numbers below.  The Public Records Request form can be found here.

The following fees apply:

Standard Copy Rate: $2.00 plus .25 cents for each page
Proposals to the District Board of Directors: No Charge
District Forms: No Charge
District Public Education Information: No Charge
Special Reports: Actual Costs
Outdated and Archived Information: Standard Copy Rate
Copies of all Other Information: Standard Copy Rate
Technical Research and Consulting: $82.60/hour
Duplicate Permits: $15.00 each
Tape Copy: $6.00 per tape
Disk Copy: $5.00 per disk

State Controller’s Office Reports

The most current Governmental Compensation in California Report for Butte County Air Quality Management District staff is available from the State Controller’s Office.

The most current Government Financial Report for the Butte County Air Quality Management District is available from the State Controller’s Office at their “By The Numbers” website.


Butte County Air Quality Management District
629 Entler Avenue, Suite 15
Chico, CA 95928
Phone: (530) 332-9400 
Fax: (530) 332-9417