Agricultural Burning

**New!** You can now report the burning of piled orchard prunings on the Open Burning page as an alternative to calling the Agricultural Burn Line.
Burn Permit Application Form (writable PDF for computer entry)Burn Permit Application Form (blank for printing and hand writing)Burn Permit Acreage Addition WorksheetAgricultural Burning Fact SheetApplication to Burn on a No Burn DayRice Growers Burning Information
In addition to a fire agency-issued burn permit, a District Burn Permit is required for burning agricultural waste; land clearing waste; or levee, ditch, timber harvesting operations, prescribed burning, and right-of-way clearing waste. Please contact the District if you have any questions regarding burning requirements.
For all agricultural burning: You must contact the District to determine if it is a burn day. Call the agricultural burn line at (530) 332-9406 or toll free @ 1-855-332-9406 and leave a message with the following information:
• Valid burn permit number
• What you plan to burn (crop)
• How many acres you plan to burn
• Location of where you plan to burn
• Phone number where you can be reached
Burning is allowed only on Permissive Burn Days, when forecast weather conditions create enough air movement to permit good smoke dispersal. Burning is also restricted to certain times of the day. All burn permit holders must comply with local fire protection agency permit requirements.
Please note that agricultural burning is only currently allowed in the Local Responsibility Areas (LRA) in Butte County. No burning other than prescribed burns planned in advance with the District and CAL FIRE is allowed in the State Responsibility Areas (SRA). A map showing the boundaries of the LRA and SRA is located here. If you have further questions about CAL FIRE requirements, contact your local fire department.