Outdoor Residential Burning
Effective Friday, November 22 at 8:00AM. CAL FIRE has announced the end of the declared fire season; burn permits willl no longer be required in most areas. For more information, please see the CAL FIRE news release here. Below are the requirements for burning residential outdoor burn piles on a permissive burn day. Residents interested in open "broadcast" burning on their property should contact the District office for more information.
Within Chico City limits:
- Burning is always prohibited, regardless of lot size.
Unincorporated areas within Chico Sphere of Influence:
- Burning is allowed on lots greater than 0.9 acres in size within the Chico Sphere of Influence (see map). Burn hours are 8:45am to one hour before sunset. Additional requirements listed below, including those for burning on residential lots less than 1 acre in size (.90 to <1 acre). For help finding lot acreage - visit Butte County's Parcel Map Viewer.
Town of Paradise:
- Town of Paradise Fire Department burn permits are required to burn. Burn hours are listed on the burn permit (Note, burn hours for Paradise residents per the burn permit begin at 06:00, which is earlier than the BCAQMD's burn hours for the rest of the county - please be aware that smoke may not disperse as well early in the morning). Additional requirements listed below, including those for burning on residential lots less than 1 acre in size.
Magalia / Upper Ridge:
- Burn hours on a permissive burn dayare 8:45am to one hour before sunset. Additional requirements listed below, including those for burning on residential lots less than 1 acre in size.
Within Oroville City limits:
- Oroville Fire Department burn permits are required to burn. Burn hours are listed on the burn permit. Additional requirements listed below, including those for burning on residential lots less than 1 acre in size.
Within Biggs & Gridley City limits:
- Within the city limits of Biggs and Gridley, burn permits are required year-round and residents can burn all year on permissive burn days.
- Residents outside of city limits must follow rules of the unincorporated areas of Butte County.
- Burn hours are as listed on the burn permit.
- Additional requirements listed below, including those for burning on residential lots less than 1 acre in size.
All other areas of Butte County:
- Burn hours are 8:45am to one hour before sunset. Additional requirements listed below, including those for burning on residential lots less than 1 acre in size.
General Requirements for All Residential and Fire Hazard Reduction Burning
Before burning in Butte County, you MUST check the burn day status on the day that you are burning by calling 530-332-9407 (toll free: 855-332-9407) or by going to www.bcaqmd.org.
- Burn hours apply in all areas of Butte County for all types of burning. See the table above for residential and fire hazard reduction burn hours in specific geographic areas in the County.
- Vegetation must be dry and free of dirt.
- After pruning/cutting, allow vegetation to dry for at least 15 days if under 6 inches in diameter, 30 days if over 6 inches in diameter.
- Only natural vegetation grown on the property can be burned.
- It is illegal to burn any non-vegetative material, including, but not limited to garbage, paper, cardboard, any dimensional lumber, tires, construction materials, plastic, rubber, paint, bedding or furniture.
- Burn barrels are illegal.
- Do not burn when your smoke will impact others: you are responsible for your smoke’s impact.
- Some fire jurisdictions require burn permits (see above). Follow the requirements on your fire agency issued burn permit.
- The Fire Hazard Reduction Burning Fact Sheet contains information about regulations on open burning conducted at multi-unit dwellings, by commercial entities, and on lots of one acre or greater in size. Available in Spanish here.
Please burn safely!
- Provide a 10’ area free of flammable materials and vegetation around all burn piles.
- Have a water source available and an adult in attendance.
- Pay attention to weather conditions and forecasts.
- Do not burn on windy days (generally when winds exceed 10mph).
- Do not leave smoldering fires unattended.
- Make sure that the fire is dead out when the control burn is completed.
- More info on preventing wildfires here.
Additional Requirements for Burning on Lots Less Than One Acre In Size
- All open burn piles must be located more than 25 feet from any neighbor’s occupied dwelling.
- The pile size may not exceed 4 feet in diameter. All areas within 10 feet of the burn pile must be clear of vegetation and flammable material.
- A responsible adult must be in attendance and water must be available until the burn pile is completely extinguished.
- Burning poison oak is prohibited.
- The Residential Open Burning Fact Sheet contains information about regulations on residential open burning on lots less than one acre in size. Available in Spanish here.

Alternatives to Burning
Free Chipper Program: The Butte County Fire Safe Council has a free chipping program for Butte County Residents. For information, please call the Fire Safe Council at 877-0984 or click here: Chipper Program. The Butte County Fire Safe Council is also offering a Residents Assistance Program in preparation for Fire Season.
Waste Management: Information Online or Call (530) 893-4777
Recology: Information Online or Call (530) 533-5868
Northern Recycling and Waste Services: Information Online or Call (530) 876-3340
Backyard Composting: Recycle Butte has a Composting Guide along with information on recycling and disposal of many types of materials and waste.
A note from the EPA on backyard recreational fires: