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Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs)

Rule 431, Emission Reduction Credits and Rule 433, Rice Straw Emission Reduction Credits establish the District’s emission reduction and offsets banking system.

An emissions offset is a reduction in pollution from an existing source of air pollution within Butte County.  The emission reduction credit (ERC) compensates for an emission increase from a new or modified source. When emissions are offset, the total allowable emissions from the existing source plus the new source must be less than the total emissions from the existing source.

The banking registry is organized with a page for the table of contents, current certificate holder contacts, current available credits, summary of credits retired, a transaction history, and community bank contributions. Additional information on ERCs and offsets state-wide can be accessed through the CARB New Source Review webpage. The Registry was last updated in October 2019.

ERC ApplicationApplication to Transfer or Surrender an ERCERC Registry Table of ContentsERC Registry Certificate HoldersERC Current RegistryERC Registry Transaction HistoryERC Community BankERC Retired Credits