California Clean Vehicle Incentive Programs

Driving Clean Assistance Program (Now open for Butte County applicants while funding lasts!)
Butte County AQMD does not administer this program. For more info or assistance, please contact the Driving Clean Assistance Program (DCAP).
Low-income eligible applicants may be able to recieve up to $10,000 towards a new or used electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle if scrapping an older vehicle. Up to $7,500 for appliants without a car to scrap. If you live in a Disadvantaged Communitiy (Chapman area, South Thermalito) you may be eligible for additional funding.
DCAP provides education, funding, financial counseling, and referrals to lenders for lower-income Californians. The program provides support for recycling an older and high-polluting vehicle, and referrals to vehicle dealerships to purchase, or lease, an eligible clean vehicle. Clean vehicles include a new or used, battery electric vehicle (BEV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), zero-emission vehicle (ZEV), zero-emission motorcycle (ZEM), or fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV).

- California Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Program (HVIP) is a unique and streamlined program to help speed the early market introduction of clean, low-carbon hybrid and electric trucks and buses.

- Communities in Charge is California’s market-accelerating, light-duty electric vehicle (EV) charging incentive project funded by the California Energy Commission’s Clean Transportation Program, implemented by CALSTART, and supported in partnership with GRID Alternatives and Tetra Tech. Communities in Charge is designed to transform EV accessibility, rapidly catalyze new markets, and swiftly deploy Level 2 EV charging stations.

- Drive Clean gives California car buyers all the tools they need to buy or lease a clean car – they can find and compare cars, understand the technologies, find incentives available to them, get setup with alternative fueling or charging, and more.

- The EV Fleet Program assists PG&E customers that are planning to electrify their medium duty, heavy duty, or off-road vehicle fleets. Participants receive installation of infrastructure up to their meter at no cost, incentives and rebates to offset their out-of-pocket costs for construction and chargers, and comprehensive support throughout the completion of their EV charging project. Fleets as small as two vehicles are eligible to apply. More information can be found at
- PG&E, in partnership with Ecology Action, will install Level 1 and Level 2 EV chargers at multifamily housing (MFH) units, not-for-profit organizations and small businesses, at no cost for sites located in a priority community. The program includes an education campaign for site residents and employees to increase awareness about the charger installation and other EV benefits and incentives. More information about the Multifamily Housing and Small Business EV Charger Program can be found here.