Air Quality Monitoring and Trends
Weather + Emissions = Pollutants
Weather combines with the emissions released into the air to produce pollutant concentrations. These airborne pollutant concentrations are measured at more than 250 air quality monitoring sites in California.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) operates a statewide network of monitors. Data from this network is supplemented with data collected by local air districts, other public agencies, and private contractors. Currently, CARB monitors ambient concentrations of toxic air contaminants at 18 of these sites. Each year, over ten million air quality measurements from these sites are collected and stored in a comprehensive air quality database maintained by CARB. To ensure the integrity of the data, CARB routinely conducts audits and reviews of the monitoring instruments and the resulting data.

Monitoring in Butte County
In Butte County the two pollutants of most concern are fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and Ozone (O3). PM2.5 is generally a result of combustion (woodstoves, open burning, wildfires, etc.) and is ecaserbated by strong winter-time temperature inversions. Ozone a summertime pollutant that is formed as part of photochemical smog.
The Chico air monitoring site is located on East Avenue, just east of Cohasset Road, and monitors the following pollutants: ozone, PM10, PM2.5, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, lead, and air toxins.
The Paradise air monitoring site was moved to a new location in 2023 and is located on Clark Road just south of Elliott Road. The Paradise site monitors the following pollutants: ozone, PM2.5.
The South Butte County air monitoring site is located on Cowee Avenue and only monitors for PM2.5.
In addition to the three locations with CARB-operated monitoring stations, the District has installed low-cost Purple Air particulate sensors in multiple locations around Butte County and maintains a portable particulate monitoring station that can be depoloyed during exceptional events.
Historical Air Quality Data
The California Air Resources Board AQMIS website can be used to find current or historical raw air quality data for Butte County, as well as any monitoring site in California. For official data and statistics, go to the California Air Resources Boad iADAM website.
Offical air quality data is also reported to the US EPA which maintains a website where users can download reports and visualize trends from monitoring stations around the country.
Butte County Annual Air Quality Reports:
2023 Annual Air Quality Report2022 Annual Air Quality Report2021 Annual Air Quality Report2020 Annual Air Quality Report2019 Annual Air Quality Report2018 Annual Air Quality Report