Check Before You Light
The Check Before You Light Season is now over! The next season will being November 1, 2025. If you're looking for the burn day status for outdoor open burning, please go to the Open Burning page.
Day (Each day's status is valid beginning at 10:00AM) | Advisory Status |
Today | No Advisory (season over) |
Tomorrow | No Advisory (season over) |
Do you live within the City Limits of Chico? For information on the City’s wood burning restrictions, contact 530-879-6330 or by email at
“Check Before You Light” is a voluntary program requesting residents to refrain from using wood stoves and fireplaces during poor air quality. “Check Before You Light” is implemented when air pollution approaches unhealthy levels. The program is aimed at keeping pollution levels of particulate matter below the health-based standards. The program runs from November through February. When an advisory is issued it will be posted on this website and sent to the media.
How To “Check Before You Light”:
- Check Our Burn Hotline: 332-9409 or toll free at 855-332-9409
- Check Your E-Mail:
- Receive an e-mail for Air Quality Forecasts: Sign Up Here (Choose AQI 101 or + for Advisory)
- Receive Tweets on X (Twitter): Follow @BCAQMD on X (Twitter) for Advisories
- Check Our Web Site
- Check the Media: Advisories will be issued to newspapers, radio and television stations.
Important Note: Wood stove and fireplace use within the Chico City Limits is restricted by a City ordinance. For more information, please contact the City of Chico at 530-879-6330 or by email
Reduce Smoke When You Do Light:
- Use only dry, well-seasoned wood. Properly seasoned wood is darker, has cracks in the grain and weighs less.
- Keep your chimney swept and ash bin clean to improve air flow and reduce smoke.
- Stack wood loosely in your firebox, so plenty of air circulates around it.
- Keep the flame active. Don’t let your fire smolder overnight – keep enough air in the fire to maintain a flame.
- Check your chimney regularly to see how well your fire is burning.
- When storing wood, stack it under covering in a dry ventilated area.
- Properly install and maintain your EPA certified wood burning appliance. Your new appliance burns much cleaner and uses less fuel!
Need more info on Wood Stoves & Fireplaces? Click here.
Want More Information? Check out these links:
California Air Resources Board Wood Burning HandbookBest Woodburning Practices – from EPA’s Burnwise Program