

The Residential Burning page includes information about:

  • Opening burning at your residence.
  • Opening burning on your property for fire hazard reduction purposes.
  • Open burning at non-agricultural commercial properties and at multi-unit dwellings.

The Agricultural Burning page has information about:

  • Open burning associated with commercial agricultural operations.
  • Open burning of flood debris and burning associated with clearing ditches and waterways.
  • Open burning associated with range improvement, wildland vegetation management, and forestry and timber operations located at an elevation above 1000 feet above sea level AND encompassing a land area less than 10 acres in size.
  • The burning of land clearing waste for the purposes of commercial development and the burning of levees, ditches, and right-or-ways by public entities and utilities requires a burn permit and is managed similarly to agricultural burning.

The Prescribed Burning page has information about:

  • Open burning associated with range improvement, wildland vegetation management, and forestry and timber operations located below the elevation of 1000 feet above sea level, regardless of size.
  • Open burning associated with range improvement, wildland vegetation management, and forestry and timber operations encompassing a land area greater than 10 acres in size at any elevation.

Do you need a burn permit from the Air District? See this Burn Permit Fact Sheet.

Open Burning and Your Health Brochure

Frequently Asked Questions


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