Stationary Source Permit Categories

The following is a list of processes, operations, and pollution control equipment that will normally require an Authority to Construct and a Permit to Operate from the District without regard to the amount of emissions.


Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers

Acid Chemical Milling

Evaporators, Dryers, and Stills

Processing Organic Materials

Dry Chemical Mixing and Storage

Soap & Detergent

Fertilizer Manufacturing & Storage

Coatings and Surface Preparation

Abrasive Blasing Equipment

Coating and Painting Operations

Paint, Stain, and Ink Manufacturing

Printing, Graphic Arts Operations





Internal Combustion Engines (50 hp or larger)



Boilers and Heaters (1 million BTU/hr or larger)




Solder Levelers

Wave Solder Machines

Vapor Degreasers

Fume Hood Scrubbers

Electrolytic Plating

Silicone Chip Manufacturing

Air Pollution Control Equipment

Cyclones, Bag Houses, Settling Chambers

Scrubbers, Electric Static Precipitators



Food & Ag Processing


Feed and Grain Mills

Coffee Roasters

Bulk Flour/Grain Storage


Metal Smelters

Galvanizing Operations

Nickel, Cadmium or Chrome Plating

Chromic Acid Anodizing

Metal Ore Processing

Rock and Mineral

Hot Asphalt Batch Plants

Sand, Rock, Aggregate Plants

Concrete Batch, Concrete Mixers, and Silos

Brick Manufacturing

Screening and Crushing Operations

Petroleum Fuels Marketing

Gasoline and Alcohol Bulk Plants & Terminals

Gasoline and Alcohol Fuel Dispensing


Solvent Use

Vapor and Cold Degreasing

Solvent and Extract Dryers

Dry Cleaning


Aqueous Waste Neutralization

Landfill Gas Flare or Recovery Systems

Waste Disposal, Rendering, Reclamation Units

Grinding Booths and Rooms

Oil Field Exploration or Production

Plastic/Fiberglass/Resin Operations

Sources of Volatiles, Dust or Toxics

Soil Aeration/Reclamation or RemediationStorage of Organic Liquids

Powder Coating

Fiberglass Chopper Guns

Waste Water Treatment Works

Synthetic Fiber Production

Wood Processing

Examples of Hazardous Materials: business which store, handle, or use hazardous materials will require clearance from the City or County Fire Department, or Butte County Environmental Health before obtaining a Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy.

Ammonia Gasoline Petroleum Products
Acids and Bases Hazardous Material Mixtures Poisons
Chlorine Herbicides Pyrophoric/Hypergolic Materials
Compressed Gases Industrial Cleaners Radioactives
Corrosives Infectious/Biological Materials Solvents
Cryogenic Fluids Oxidizing Materials Waste Oils
Explosives Paint Thinners Water Reactives
Fertilizers Paints Welding Gases
Flammable Liquids & Soilds Pesticides


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