Diesel Truck & CARB Regulations

The Truck and Bus Regulation applies to privately and federally owned diesel trucks and buses that operate in California. The Butte County Air Quality Management District does not regulate mobile vehicles.

Need help finding information about the California Air Resources Board (CARB) On-Road Truck Regulations? Telephone the CARB Hotline number: 866-634-3735 (866-6Diesel) or go on line at CARB website link The Truck Stop  or The Truck and Bus Regulation Web page.


CARB Truck Rule Compliance Requiredfor DMV Registration

Funding Flowchart

Fact sheets are available at https://ww3.arb.ca.gov/msprog/truckstop/azregs/outreach.htm. If you need help with reporting after reading the Online User Guide, please call or email the Diesel Hotline at 866-634-3735 or 866diesel@arb.ca.gov or visit http://www.arb.ca.gov/dieseltruck for additional information.

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